Main Track
The Main Track will occur on the third and four days of the conference. Each session may include keynote speakers and/or extended paper presentations. Therefore, the Main Track program includes inspiring keynote addresses by world-wide leading experts in the topics covered by the thematic sessions and also extended paper presentations selected among the best papers of the Thematic Tracks, after a two phase review process: The authors of the best papers accepted in each of the Thematic Tracks are invited to submit extended versions of their papers to the Main Track, which are subsequently evaluated by the Main Track Program Committee members, to choose the best papers to be presented and discussed in the Main Track with a wider audience.
Program Chair
Mark Paulk, UT Dallas, US
Program Co-Chairs
Ricardo J. Machado, UMinho, Portugal
Miguel Abrunhosa Brito, UMinho, Portugal
Program Committee
Eduardo Miranda, CMU, USA
Fernando Brito e Abreu , ISCTE-IUL, Portugal
Gianluca Mezzetti, Aarhus University, Denmark
João Miguel Fernandes, UMinho, Portugal
Jordi Cabot, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Karol Frühauf , INFOGEM AG, Switzerland
Maria Lencastre , UPE, Brazil
Maribel Y. Santos, Uminho, Portugal
Marion Lepmets , Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland
Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Miguel Mira da Silva, IST-UL, Portugal
Monica Wachowicz, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Natalia Kryvinska, University of Wien, Austria
Sheila Reinehr, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil